Reformation 500!

Blackburn Cathedral, Cathedral Close, Blackburn, BB1 5AA
Thursday 19th October 2017

The Church Leaders of Churches Together in Lancashire invite to gather as part of the whole Christian Community at Blackburn Cathedral.

Speaking at this event side by side will be the National Ecumenical Officer for the Catholic Bishops of England and Wales Fr. John O’Toole and the Vice President of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in England Pastor George Samiec. They will be joined by the Church Leaders of Lancashire with reflections given by the Bishop of Blackburn, the Chair of the Methodist District and the Moderator for the United reformed Church North West Synod. Also there will be representative from the Baptist Association, Lancashire Quakers and the independent free Churches.

Places may be booked  by Eventbrite/

Or by emailing the County Ecumenical officer:

The service will be followed by refreshments in the crypt at 3.30pm and a brief report from Churches Together in Lancashire.

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