Conversion is a life-long journey

Thursday 19th March 2020

We will be continuing to share our reflections from Fr Paul Daly, Episcopal Vicar for Formation, as we move through the Season of Lent. We will experience this Lent differently than previous years. Further Lenten and generic online resources for this difficult time are available here.

This week, we focus on Conversion.

The fact that the Lord once again offers us a favourable time for our conversion should never be taken for granted. This new opportunity ought to awaken in us a sense of gratitude and stir us from our sloth. Despite the sometimes tragic presence of evil in our lives, and in the life of the Church and the world, this opportunity to change our course expresses God’s unwavering will not to interrupt his dialogue of salvation with us. In the crucified Jesus, who knew no sin, yet for our sake was made to be sin (cf. 2 Cor5:21), this saving will led the Father to burden his Son with the weight of our sins, thus, in the expression of Pope Benedict XVI, “turning of God against himself” (Deus Caritas Est, 12). For God also loves his enemies (cf. Mt 5:43-48).

The dialogue that God wishes to establish with each of us through the paschal mystery of his Son has nothing to do with empty chatter, like that attributed to the ancient inhabitants of Athens, who “spent their time in nothing except telling or hearing something new” (Acts 17:21). Such chatter, determined by an empty and superficial curiosity, characterizes worldliness in every age; in our own day, it can also result in improper use of the media.

Conversion is rarely, if ever, the accomplishment of a single moment. Rather it is a life-long journey, a daily attempt to live in right relationship. As I prepare to go to Confession, to celebrate the Sacrament of God’s pardon and peace, I enter into dialogue with God about my relationship with God, with others, with ourselves and with creation.

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