Day of Prayer and Reflection for Coronavirus

Tuesday 23rd March 2021

Today we recognise a day of prayer and reflection for Coronavirus.

At midday, we will stand with the nation in a moment of silence to take stock, pray and remember all of the mothers, fathers, friends, grandparents and colleagues who have lost their lives to Coronavirus. We pray also for those facing loss and adversity due to economic turmoil, and give thanks to those essential and frontline workers who have looked after us so well.

We are encouraging those in our diocese to, if they are comfortable, to mark the day by lighting a candle in church or by privately praying at home with their families.

We are also being encouraged to stand on our doorsteps at 8pm with phones, candles and torches to signify a “beacon of hope and remembrance”.

Before you take part in this, why not pray the below prayer with your family?

In October, Bishop John led a Holy Hour for Hope in Difficult Times. During the hour, Bishop John highlighted the need to pause, draw breath, grieve where we need to grieve but also be grateful where we can be and allow ourselves to be renewed.

During his Homily, Bishop John called on us to have hope and encouraged us in times of worry, to pray – remembering those in refugee camps or those who are persecuted for their faith, and thinking about our global neighbours who share our common home. He referred to Pope Francis’s new encyclical, Fratelli Tutti, which was published on the same day.

During Benediction, Bishop John gave a blessing to those virtually attending the service as well as moving outside to the Cathedral Piazza to bless all people in our diocese, offering us all hope through these uncertain times.

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