Green-fingered youngsters plant orchard at Laudato Si Centre
Friday 13th March 2020More than 60 pupils from 10 Catholic primary schools around our diocese put on their gardening gloves and picked up their spades as they planted 20 fruit trees which will grow into an orchard in the years to come.
The planting day – which was run in partnership by the diocese, Life for a Life and City of Trees – was a great opportunity for the children to learn more about the importance of trees and about the need to care for our common home.
The children were able to learn about the science of trees, types of different trees and how they help to look after local wildlife. The tree planting session began with a reminder from Pope Francis about being protectors of creation and a prayer for our common home.
The trees were planted as a part of the Laudato Si Project at Wardley Hall which aims to bring Laudato Si to life in our diocese through practical action rooted in prayer.
A year 3 teacher from one of the schools taking part in the planting, St Luke’s RC Primary, Salford, said: “The children who came today are eco-warriors. Their job, made up of pupils from every class, is to lead the other children in thinking about the environment, protecting it and what we can do to make it a better place.
“I think they’ve had a fabulous time!”
The trees that were planted will produce various fruits including pears, cooking and eating apples and plums and will harvest at different times throughout the year.
To find out more about the Laudato Si Project, please click here

Tagged | Around the Diocese | Education | Environment | Laudato Si' Centre