Envirolent: Reconsider Care for Our Common Home
Wednesday 26th February 2020At the beginning of Lent last year, Bishop John called on all of us to reconsider our role in caring for creation and the environment. Over the last 12-months, we have seen an amazing, varied and creative response to this call from many around our diocese.
This Lent, to build on the good work of the last year, we will once again be reflecting on our responsibility to care for our common home. To help us to do this we have produced a series of resources called Envirolent, adapted for use in both schools and parishes.
The Season of Lent
The season of Lent provides us with an opportunity to take a step back and reflect. To refocus on what we believe, and why. We remind ourselves about the faith and trust that we have in our God and we take a moment to regain the sense of putting our faith into action in all that we do.
Caring for Our Common Home
Climate change is threatening creation: entire species are being made extinct, nature is suffering and the effects of climate change are disproportionately affecting the world’s poorest communities.
The effect of climate change is not a problem that we can just leave to governments to remedy. They must play their part but Pope Francis tells us that we are all required, every one of us, to make changes to our lives and begin to repair the damage before matters become irreversible.Resources for Schools and Parishes
Envirolent Resources
We have produced resources that we hope will complement each other encouraging joint working with parishes and schools and offering suggestions of practical actions which you can adopt in your communities.
Each week during Lent we will highlight suggested practical actions by focusing on a different R: reduce, reuse, recycle, rewild and reclaim. Envirolent will close with a call to prayer using an adapted Prayer for our Common Home which has been produced by the diocese. You are welcome and encouraged to use this prayer beyond the Lenten season as we are hoping to adopt it as our diocese’s environmental prayer going forward.
We will place focus on one R each week, sharing reflections and suggestions for practical action here on our website and on social media which you are welcome to share and use locally.
Resources for Parishes
Envirolent Posters for Parishes – Five posters on a weekly theme: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Rewild, Reclaim
A Prayer for our Common Home poster – A PDF featuring the Prayer for Our Common Home
A Prayer for our Common Home Word Document – A word document featuring the Prayer for Our Common Home for you to use in your own resources
Prayer for Our Common Home Prayer card – If you would like to order these for your parish, please email communications@dioceseofsalford.org.uk or call 0161 817 2201
Resources for Schools
Envirolent Posters for Schools – Five posters on a weekly theme: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Rewild, Reclaim, adapted for use in schools
A Prayer for our Common Home poster – A PDF featuring the Prayer for Our Common Home
Laudato Si Prayer Word Document – A word document featuring the Prayer for Our Common Home for you to use in your own resources
If you would like to discuss alternative formats of the resources or provide some good practice from your school or parish community, which we will be highlighting throughout Lent, please email communications@dioceseofsalford.org.uk or phone 0161 817 2201.

Tagged | Environment | Laudato Si' Centre