Health and Safety

Who we are

The team can be contacted by emailing or calling 0161 817 2216.

What we do

The Health and Safety team is an integral part of the professional support services of the diocese.

The primary responsibility of this team is to provide professional advice, information and support to the Diocese on health and safety responsibilities, legislation and good practice.

The Diocese of Salford recognises its legal obligations under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, to ensure the health, safety and welfare of its clergy, employees, volunteers and all those we encounter through the practice of our Catholic Faith within the diocese and our other pastoral and social activities, so far as is reasonably practicable.


Accident and Incident Reporting

It is important that any health and safety incidents (whether an injury has occurred or not), that occurs on diocesan or parish premises, or during the course of any organised activities, are reported to the Health and Safety Team using the Accident and Incident Report Form at the earliest opportunity. This is so that the incident can be investigated to identify actions needed to prevent recurrence and to ensure the incident is recorded.

The Accident and Incident Report Form can be found here

Safety Toolbox – Online Portal

The Diocese is working in collaboration with Safety Toolbox Limited who’s online, cloud-based safety management platform will assist us in identifying and controlling hazards and risks and provides bespoke advice and resources to clergy, employees and volunteers.

Safety Toolbox Portal

Useful Links:

Further information about health and safety topics including: advice, guidance, news, templates, tools, legislation and publications can be found by visiting the HSE Website.

Example Risk Assessment for parish/school environment walk

Click here to access an example risk assessment for a parish or school environment walk, which can be amended for your own event.