Data Protection Documents for Parishes

Below you can find a list of data protection documents for parishes to use.  The files will open as word documents so that you can print and personalise to your parish.

You can find our GDPR Handbook here.

This GDPR Training document is a useful reference point for all parishes in our diocese.


Adult volunteer signup form for a one off event

Adult volunteer sign up for regular volunteering with a rota

Adult volunteer sign up form for volunteering without a rota

Photography and Visual Data

Signage to declare CCTV is in operation

Notice of filming or photography at an event

Privacy Notice for Livestreaming an event


Baptism Application Form

Privacy Notice for Parents and Primary Carers presenting their Child for Baptism

Confirmation Application form

First Forgiveness and Holy Communion Application Form

Marriage Application Form

Personal Data and Forms

Consent to Disclosure of Personal Information Form

Keeping in Touch by Email – Signup form

Simple signup form to email list

Privacy Notice for Regular Communications eg. regular newsletters

Data Protection Privacy Notice for church noticeboards

Data Protection Privacy Notice for newsletters, parish magazines and publications

Data Protection Privacy Notice for Parish Databases

Data Protection Privacy Notice for Parish Census

Registration form for schemes such as 200 Club

Simple privacy notice for use on forms where personal data is collected

Privacy notice for parish Giftaid forms

Reporting a data breach

Data breach notification form